住所:〒606-0831 京都府京都市左京区下鴨北園町20-2
Most of people imagine aggressive door-to-door sales, too expensive estimation, sloppy work by unqualified suppliers and so on.
Now, a lot of new and good home improvement companies broke into the market. And then, the kind of bad companies were shake outed. In addition, the technology of renovation is improving.
Many people complained of a bad floor plan and functionality for the renovation of existing homes.
For example
・out of consideration of structure
・out of consideration of thermal insulation
・without changing the old pipes
・out of consideration moisture measures
・just replacing the equipment. A lot of home improvement company renovate homes without creativity.
※ We met the terrible work that other companies have made. After a customer has bought a exiting home from other company, she called us. The house were too damaged to be reinforced. Unfortunately, she had to be rebuilt the house. Other customer had to pay much higher than the estimate that he received from a home improvement company. If these customers have called us, such bad stories would not have happened.
◆ In order to save your money, we have the following services.
If you order renovation to us after you ordered these survey, you can save 20,000 yen.
Please call or e-mail to us if you need more information.