住所:〒606-0831 京都府京都市左京区下鴨北園町20-2
○kitchen replacement○bathroom replacement○toilet replacement○increase the storage space○set new screen windows ○make kennels○make car ports○make outdoor gutter○make sliding doors○Tatami replacement○light bulb replacement ○connect the Internet○make handrails○replace Japanese-style toilets to a Western-style toilets○bell replacement ○wire changing○pipes changing○improve cold bathroom problems○put window frames of the insulation○change wallpapers○change keys○change tiles○change curtains○change window glasses○solve the noisy floor○accessibility○change water heater ○put floor heating ○put bathroom heating ○change toilet seat ○change post ○housecleaning ○clean air conditioners○paint outer wall of the house○paint inner wall of the house Etc. We recommend to make a renovation to work off frustrations of your life.
If you have any questions about a period of construction, a time to start the construction, mortgage, please contact us.
If you need a temporary house, transport of luggage, disposal of something you don’t use, please contact us.